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    1. pepstick

      16 and Driving! Not just spaceships anymore :P

      16 and Driving! Not just spaceships anymore :P
    2. pepstick

      Raidable Shops

      Hey beetle, i thought it would be a cool idea to allow you to actually raid shops of their inventories. This could proove to be an issue with big multiplayer servers, but it could be a cool singleplayer feature
    3. pepstick

      Spazzing thingies

      Hey beetle, im not sure if this is an issue only with me or if others are having the trouble too, but when i try to mine things such as spacestations, if im outside of it everything spazzez out. Blocks and walls start appearing everywhere and dissapearing everywhere, my fps drops down from 80 to...
    4. pepstick

      Big Spaceships with Gravitational Pull

      Hi Beetle, i thought i would post this idea i had, not sure if you were planning on it already or not but, If a spaceship were big enough, say the giant deathstar im making on a server, then other spaceships would be pulled towards it as if it were a planet. I thought it would be cool because...
    5. pepstick


      Hey Beetle, i had an idea for maybe Making Satellites. These would be really cool because you could use tham for say mapping out a planet (If you ever make them more than just disks :P) Or say orbitting in your sector while keeping an eye out for incoming pirates/other players. I thought it...
    6. pepstick

      Massive Balancing needed!!!

      Hi Beetle, I went on a server and started from scratch, im not the best at this game but im not the worst either. Lets just say i was on the server for less than an hour, and now im a multi billionaire. Im not sure this should be possible... I got the money by making a very tiny ship, then i...