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      Building Filter in Advanced

      As many of you know, there is the awesome advanced mode that offers many faster alternatives to building a ship. As of late, I have been going through my ships ad making them as efficient as possible. When I skined my ships, alot of the had two thick hulls, and this made me think of a cool...
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      Sideways cockpits

      what they could do i develope placeable cores that can be liked to the first one placed, allowing them to act as cocpits and fixing the problem with the mouse
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      Sideways cockpits

      I was just about to do this, glad i didn\'t waste my time, i hope they come up with a good fix
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      You need to implement place able cores, i love building structures off of asteroids or based off of steroids, but then I can't place down a core! please implement this or some sort of attatchment so that i can get a core on astaroid