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    1. 1

      Borg Cube

      We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile. you should copy+paste this every time you attack someone xD
    2. 1

      Forget FTL/Fast Travel; Give Me an Autopilot!

      I\'d love a cruise button. just because its awesome to look out of a window, and not seeing that your ship is slowing down or even standing still. For bookmarks: it would be useful... VERY useful i got lost like 3 times already because my station didnt show up in my navigation
    3. 1

      Buggy Lift Platforms

      The Lift platforms tend to be buggy, as in "glitching TROUGH them" buggy. I found the bug in singleplayer, i was albe to reproduce it... a lot to say the least. Version: v0.092836; build 20130515_032749 EDIT: Still happens in the latest version, it seems only to happen when i use a gravity...