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    1. I

      Quests and storyline

      Yeah, it can be like HadrasVorshoth said. I think the same. Jargon, I know and I said \"OK, no storyline,...\" etc. It can be, but it don´t must be a part of this suggestion. But quests are the most important thing here. Yeah, building bases etc., but what if in the game isn´t something like...
    2. I

      Quests and storyline

      OK, no storyline, but what about quests? It is not too bad, eh? I think that it can be good with some small rewards etc.
    3. I

      Quests and storyline

      Yeah, but I think that this game, Star made, is so much better than MC and I think, that this can be one of more things of the game, which will be for fun for everyone as part of game. I think... And after storyline and quests, players can do all, what they are doing now. It is only for much...
    4. I

      Quests and storyline

      Hi all. I was found that this game need more fun moments for SP or MP games. I think that the game must have a prologue on the separated 1st map -> this will be "new tutorial" when new player join the game. After that, the player will be on a planet in town on the main and the biggest...
    5. I

      An improvement for Planets

      Hi all, First, excuse-me for my english, I am czech... So, everyone knows that planets in SP mode are abandoned and there is nothing for doing. In MP, only a few players have their stations on these planets. My idea: Some planets can be occupied by NPC civlizations (trading guild, pirates, or...