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    1. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      AndyP can fix your Registry name to the original so you can access multi again. Thanks a million Andy. Is there anyway I can commend you on here for your great customer service?
    2. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      Update. Figured out that it's not that the uplink is broken, it's that the user creds db has been striped of case. Example: I was "MikeOmni" now my profile lists as "mikeomni" - I can now uplink with the latter. Problem is now that the case of the user logs has changed, no multi server will...
    3. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      Ugh, it's still down? It's be effed for like 24 hours now...
    4. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      Still borked
    5. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      Nope, still doesn't work. Seems like something bad happened to the uplink's server side user registry database
    6. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      Everyone's tried repairing, reinstalling, re downloading, password resets et cetera- already - doesn't work, it's a problem server side with uplink
    7. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      I'm on OSX Mavericks, though the problem doesn't feel platform-dependant. It's just the uplink that's effed in general it seems
    8. MikeOmni

      Uplink Issues

      Was the v0.1867 update that was just released supposed to fix this? Cause it didn't. At least not for OSX?