Search results

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      Creating a new server

      Hello I've recently opened a new server, and I want to know how to protect the initial sector (SPAWN?) and customize it... ty
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      Programmable Computer Block (fleet command, mechs, etc)

      I would like a programmable block too!
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      Starmade Texture Pack

      awww I want the update!!! and please make brown hull a little more dark and brown (it\'s like yellow to me)
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      Plex lifters on planets

      whell I\'m making a big deathcube (like starwars deathstar) and it takes me time to go to the core room...
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      Plex lifters on planets

      please make plex lifter working on ships too!!!
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      emotes (like /afk)

      i would like to see emotes... like /afk that will set you to afk and add the tag [afk] to your name please also add ship renaming!
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      Plasma gates for hangar

      @jzimmerman4 Yes I wanted to mean that gates!
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      teleport block

      ehi that was my idea
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      Plasma gates for hangar

      what about plasma gates for hangars? I want to protect my hangar from enemies...
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      you know space is infinite and how we can travel fast long distances? we may use teleperters, maybe they can be gates...