SMEdit - Please help

    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi all,

    As you may have guess from the title im having problems with SMEdit, I am trying to add extra memory for it to run smoother as it jitters all the time, however when i run cmd.exe and change the path to StarMade and try either java -jar SMEdit.jar or java -Xmx1g -jar SMEdit.jar it comes up with "java" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    I tried looking here as Tomino as well as some other links have sugguested, and to be honest i have no idea really what there talking about with ant.bat and using these % signs etc, i did however manage to add java to the PATH Varible but didnt make a difference. I am sure im not the only one with this problem but i guess some people dont want to look silly, and for a while so did I, but its to the point where i can use it other than to look at small fighter size craft.

    I thank you inadvance for any help anyone can give, and a HUGE thank you if it is in plain english not technical lol.

    Aug 20, 2013
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    Hi I had the same problem the way I soved it was to use a minecraft buket run.bat which is simply to make. Right click in your starmade folder or where your Smedit files are stored and make a new text file open it up and copy past this

    SET BINDIR=%~dp1
    \"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\java.exe\" -Xms1024M -Xmx6024M -jar SMEdit.jar\"

    Just make shore your java install is in the same directoy as above alter the xmx for the max mem you want to use then save the file as smedit.bat or run.bat and then run it

    That should give you more ram but I dought it with stop your jitters. Smedit still jitters with me on large ship I have 8 cores and 8gb ram even though Smedit says I have over 3gb free and no cores maxed out still jitters. Hope this helps
    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thank you Lister for the reply, although could i bug for something else.

    although i probably know more than the average joe about computers, when it comes to this stuff im really at a loss, and so although i did what you said, i started a new text doc in my Starmade folder where SMEdit is, and i opened the text doc and copied and pasted what you said to

    SET BINDIR=%~dp1
    \"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\java.exe\" -Xms1024M -Xmx6024M -jar SMEdit.jar\"

    but this is where im lost, i only seem to be able to save a a txt doc or an all files doc, so i have saved it as a txt doc, there wasnt an option or smedit.bat or run.bat, nor do i know what those two things are or where to look for them on my system.

    If ive not already dont something wrong, where do i go from here what do i need to do?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    When you select \"Save as\" you can input a name. Set the file type to \"All\" and name the file namehere.bat.
    Aug 20, 2013
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    An other way would be to open your windows folder option an uncheck Hide extensions for known file types.

    This will allow you to edit the .txt in explorer. Just double click slow this should highlight the file name for editing delete the .txt and replace with .bat hope this helps
    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So i have managed to create that SMEdit.bat file, however when i run it i get this messge in cmd.exe

    Error occurred during initialization of VM. Could not reserve enough space for object heap. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A Fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. Press any key to continue ...

    I used this in the bat file ...

    SET BINDIR=%~dp1
    \"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\java.exe\" -Xms1024M -Xmx3024M -jar SMEdit.jar\"

    Hope this info can help in helping me.

    Aug 20, 2013
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    Not to shore what is going on there I could not reproduce that error. Have you tired updating Java what version r u using 32/64bit
    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    yes i had already check java and made sure i tried both 32 and 64bit version, but no luck, so in a fit of rage i backed up all my ships deleted StarMade completly and started from scratch, and finally got it to work ... BUT ........

    Now my problem it wont stay at 3gb everytime i run SMEdit its reverting back to 2gb (the default when i reinstalled it, which i thought was odd to start of with) but the only way i can get it to run with 3gb or whatever is through cmd.exe or is that the only way?
    Aug 20, 2013
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    When I run the smedit.jar default by right clicking and running through Java my default ram bottom lefts is 225mb and when i use my run.bat I get a max ram of 5260mb even though I have typed in 6024. I just tired your setting of 3024 and got 2594mb it that the same as you?
    Apr 4, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen
    wen i fist run SMEdit it asked me to update and wen i did it download it and created the the files and folder needed to run, has a video tutorial said it has to be for run it, once it finished i try to run it again, and nothing happens, i restart my pc and do it again and nothing, i run it trough the cmd console and shows a lot of lines (i guess are errors) i also updated java and nothing, im on win xp 32 sp3