Shield Capacity Storage

    Feb 23, 2013
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    With the new power regeneration mechanics now out, it has rendered the use of shields too tedious and energy consuming. My ships' energy regeneration was taken from 7 million regen to 1 million which led to a massive power failure from my Shields, which took 3 million of my 7 million regen to make only 7000 Shield Regen per tick. Pretty much any AMC could cut through my ship in a matter of seconds, and that was before the Power update. In this new update, It is extremely difficult to afford more power to be routed to shields.

    Rather than nerfing the energy required to keep Shields powered, I propose a Shield Capacitator block be added to the game. The Shield Capacitator would work like an Energy Storage Cell, except It holds Shield Energy. This way Larger ships with low shield regeneration will have an alternative mean of sustaining themselves during a fight, yet not be absoloutly impervious to the guns of a smaller ship.
    Feb 4, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Shielding should be separated into 2 blocks.

    The Shield Generator blocks would determine the total shield power, and store shield energy points. They would also have a low power draw converting power into shield energy points to refill to maximum shield capacity. Getting shot would use up shield energy to block damage.

    The Shield Recharge blocks would be capable of a high power draw converting power to shield energy, however it wouldn\'t store any shield energy, only refill the Shield Generator. It would be really cool if you could bind this block group to your weapon keys, and change the power draw on the fly.

    This would allow a variety of tactics. You could build a ship with both very heavy shields, and a very powerful weapon. You could set the recharge rate low while attacking and put all your power to weapons. Then when your shields get low, switch to evasive manuvers, and crank up the shield regenerator. Instead of having the shield and weapons always competing for all the power they use. This would also allow decent shields on small fighters with relatively low power generation.