
    Currently working as an assistant star destroyer builder. Also working on some of my own projects, one of which is being completely redesigned for the 4th time due to old systems and to make it better fit with currently used scale of other ships.

    Well, old info is old. this needs to be redone.
    My specialty is logic, logic, and logic.
    Floating somewhere in the deep vastness of space.
    Assistant shipbuilder


    Member of the Galactic Empire ( not the nge ).
    Working as a ShipBuilder. <--- Retired
    Specialized in logistics and logic systems.


    1. 100

      Legacy Citizen 9

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 9 full years.
    2. 100

      Legacy Citizen 8

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 8 full years.
    3. 100

      Legacy Citizen 7

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 7 full years.
    4. 100

      Legacy Citizen 6

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 6 full years.
    5. 100

      Legacy Citizen 5

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 5 full years.
    6. 100

      Legacy Citizen 4

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 4 full years.
    7. 100

      Legacy Citizen 3

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 3 full years.
    8. 150

      Community Content - Bronze 1

      This citizen has submitted a creation to the community content section
    9. 100

      Legacy Citizen 2

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 2 full years
    10. 100

      Legacy Citizen

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 1 full year