Recent content by Vyvï

    1. V

      [GAME] Simon Says 1.0

      Greeting citizens, I made this 50 levels Simon Game pretty much a long time ago, but never shared it. As owner you can put a reward in a specific storage, that will be transfered to a public one and won by a player achieving the last level. Logic may break by spamming the buttons so take it...
    2. V

      Weird "Power Failure" notification

      This happens when old blocks -like old power or old weapons or effects- are used with new power. Make sure there is not any old block in your build.
    3. V

      Oh mon dieu je revois le sous sol infernal avec la logique, rip xd

      Oh mon dieu je revois le sous sol infernal avec la logique, rip xd
    4. V

      Aucun pour le moment, fais moi signe quand tu migres en mp du coup =)

      Aucun pour le moment, fais moi signe quand tu migres en mp du coup =)
    5. V

      Yo! =) Tranquille! Bah je dois tout remettre à jour moi xD T'es sur quel serv? :p

      Yo! =) Tranquille! Bah je dois tout remettre à jour moi xD T'es sur quel serv? :p
    6. V

      RF-57P Tigerlily II Luxury Edition 1.0

      Hello Starmade :) Here is my refit of the legendary Tigerlily II by refirendum. It is not 100% complete and I don't work on it for now, but I thought it was worth to share as it is. Features: - new power system (2.0), - new weapons, - new interior, - 4 mining drones, so you don't...
    7. V

      trade station build question

      Hello, When using NPCs for trading between player stations, the farther your station will be from a player station, the higher you'll have to pay taxes to NPCs. This is a thing you must consider.
    8. V

      Interior porn

      A little bridge
    9. V

      Bug Shield regenerator crash the game

      Hello, a post exists about this issue here. :)
    10. V

      Bug MissingFormatArgumentException

      Finally found out a way to fix this bug thanks to schema. Simply use another language to play. I used to use french and had this crash error. Using english allow to play properly.
    11. V

      Bug MissingFormatArgumentException

      I figured out it is probably a shield recharger issue since I successfully reproduced this crash by spawning a core and put one shield recharger on it, which cause an instant crash.
    12. V

      Bug Shield Bypass with Beams

      I can confirm that.
    13. V

      Activation of modules and power systems with docked entities

      You can do that with wireless modules, they are bridges between entities. Also, you can't connect them in build mode and have to do it in astronaut mode. Regarding your other questions, in a first time I advise you to read the news page, especially this one.
    14. V

      Issue with my registry account

      Hello, I have an issue that seems to be caused by a character in my registry account name. I've been playing on a new server for a few days, and for the second time I'm not able to use the ingame name I used to play with. Server admin told me the problem is the " ï " in my registry account, so I...