Recent content by Vic

    1. V

      Official Texture thread

      I really can\'t say I like this. In fact it\'s kind of schizophrenic, isn\'t it? \"Have a black that\'s blacker than the blackest night! White that will make your eyes bleed! Gray! ... Colors? Who the hell makes their ships colorful! Here\'s something that kind of looks like the color, I...
    2. V

      Graphics bug

      Sorry for the doublepost, but after some testing I confirmed it\'s an OpenGL error. I also did a clean reinstall of my drivers, which seems to have fixed it a little... ...Except not. Now my drivers broke when I clicked the Faction tab in the menu. e: It seems to work properly if I load the...
    3. V

      Graphics bug

      Me, yeah, I just updated them yesterday. So it probably isn\'t that. And I don\'t have a crashlog in the directory either, it seems.
    4. V

      Graphics bug

      I have the same problem. It\'s pretty game-breaking because it even tends to crash my graphics drivers. And before you ask, I have just updated them. I\'m running a GeForce GTX 260 with 4 gigs of RAM, but on a 32bit system. At first I thought it\'s a RAM problem related to efficiency of the...