Recent content by Tunk

    1. Tunk

      Weapons testing yet again (Dev build 141)

      The xbb name is derived from the x-drive, none of the devices are using the x-drive circuit however to my knowledge. The ones I am aware of are using derivatives of the IJD multiplier circuit.
    2. Tunk

      Reviewing StarMade

      Regarding true bubble shields and bypassing them with gun ramming, Personally you could resolve the gun ram issue by making it a matter of intersecting area. EG: If the smaller ships shield radius (along the longest axes) intersects a area less than 10% of the larger ships shield it can pass...
    3. Tunk

      Reviewing StarMade

      SW bubble shields scale to encompass the entire craft, giving a much larger surface area for attack while shields are active unless the craft is designed to fit snugly inside. The new shield block/Capacitor mechanic allows you a trade off between capacity and recharge time and is a multi-block...
    4. Tunk

      Your coolest logic creation?

      Probably the first cool thing was a instant jump drive (separate in concept from the x/y/z drives and flip-flop multiplier drives at the time). It dumped somewhere in the region of 1500 signals into the jump computer using simple not-activator logic and weighed in at something like 27 blocks...
    5. Tunk

      Strategic (or multiple) Stations

      Problem with stations right now is that they are far too vulnerable, and lets be honest they are useless beyond faction claiming a system and a 2 block station is just as capable as a 2 million mass monstrosity regarding that. They don't really get a benefit for being literally anchored objects...
    6. Tunk

      Starmade memes

      If anyone would like to construct or share the above ship you can use the following shorthand as a guide: 8===D~~~
    7. Tunk

      Question: the ultimate fate of outdated blocks and blueprints?

      Pirate drops definitely need loot tables, and the game needs to explicitly omit blocks with a deprecated tag.
    8. Tunk

      Power 2.1 doesn't suck.

      (post on topic, read to end, preface first) I can't count the number of nights Comro left his girlfriend cold and alone to mine for us (we are pretty sure she starved to death some time in 2015 and he props her up on the couch occasionally). Only to have someone come and drop multi-megatons of...
    9. Tunk

      NPC ships and stations

      Short answer, yes. Ensure that you extract all folders into the blueprints folder, if you create a new folder during the process copy the folders back to blueprints. For all intents they are standard blueprints, though highly outdated and likely inoperable however.
    10. Tunk

      Why are delays as they are?

      Flip flop signalling is a bit funky, and can give false true signals depending on the application (discovered this while developing the spamhibitor years ago). Then again, most of the times I've used flip flops are for high speed counting, high speed speed signaling and signal multiplication...
    11. Tunk

      Power 2.1 doesn't suck.

      Lag meta basically consists of building to the limits that your PC/Server can handle. As each optimization or increase in computing power comes out players can build larger and larger and more complex things. Back in the early days 2k ships used to lag as bad as 1m mass ships, in that case 2k...
    12. Tunk

      Power 2.1 doesn't suck.

      Size is king for the most part, mainly because people didn't use fleets/drones and it was the easiest way to scale. A fleet of drones with 10% mass value can decimate any titan, and many of the more experienced PVP factions used them extensively (vagyr for example loved spamming 16-20k...
    13. Tunk

      Literally just invert the stabilizer distances.

      I agree with Ith, I would have liked to see more shape/geometry based blocks. EG jamming/cloak blocks requiring rings, efficiency based on size relative to ship dimensions. But instead now we've been dumbed down to literally placing system blobs.
    14. Tunk

      Literally just invert the stabilizer distances.

      Retrofitting and refitting is something ship engineers expect to be slightly painful, but if you have prior knowledge of the ship (or even gasp built it) then its not really a issue. Its actually a giant non issue unless a system is dramatically changed in function (eg power update). Find and...
    15. Tunk

      New powersystem, some numbers.

      Yep I would just like to reiterate as everyone has already said, The new reactors are a parallel, completely different system with completely different production/consumption numbers. For example base cannons are now 1.333 damage per power, instead of 0.1 damage per power. I do have concerns...