Recent content by Trigera

    1. Trigera

      TnC's Starmade Server (24/7)

      TnC got a website now, we will probably not update so much here so for the latest news I recommend to go to: Thanks for joining TnC\'s Starmade Server! /Trigera~
    2. Trigera

      PuddleJumper (Stargate) By Trigera

      Thank you Miky47, I\'m glad to see more raiting on this one :) /Trigera~
    3. Trigera

      TnC's Starmade Server (24/7)

      Hello everyone, Trigera here! :) Okey, I\'m gonna start off by saying that I\'m very sorry for not checking the server status, I just found out the the server computer re-boted some hours ago, but it is back online and the server is running as normal again. Again, I\'m sorry for the downtime...
    4. Trigera

      Beliskirnir-Class Mothership. (SG1)

      Hello, Trigera here :) I\'ll start by saying grate work! You\'ve manage to design and decorate the ship from the inside almowst flawlessly, however you do need to work on the details on the outside of the ship aswell i belive. Also I find my self notecing that the hull of the ship is a bit too...
    5. Trigera

      PuddleJumper (Stargate) By Trigera

      Please pm me when you\'ve made it and I\'ll rate it as good as I can =) @Dogdard /Trigera~
    6. Trigera

      PuddleJumper (Stargate) By Trigera

      Thank you, and yeah. Original modle made in black, then remade in green so haven\'t put the effort of making a new one yet :) Grate feedback however, thanks =)
    7. Trigera

      PuddleJumper (Stargate) By Trigera

      Tho at the moment thats just dreams and plans of the odessy or deadalus :)
    8. Trigera

      PuddleJumper (Stargate) By Trigera

      Thank you, and no, accly it spawned on the planet before I arrived there :)
    9. Trigera

      PuddleJumper (Stargate) By Trigera

      Sorry, did not get the pic to work in a better way then a link, but please rate it and give me some feedback :) Insperation, exept the whole SG series; Ps. The...
    10. Trigera

      TnC's Starmade Server (24/7)

      Hello there everyone, Trigera here! And i'll try to be short so you manage to read it all! :) Me along with my brother are fond of hosting servers for games we like, therefore we are now hosting a server for all of you out there in space! Is a 24/7, fairly new...
    11. Trigera

      Home-Sector [No Whitelist] [64 slot]

      I\'ve tried to connect about 4 times in the past hour but still get stuck on \"Connecting to\". Is the server on downtime or is it something wrong with my client? //Trigera