Recent content by ToddoftheYear

    1. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      Someone was wrong on the internet and I was compelled to correct that. My arguments have nothing to do with building ships or turrets.
    2. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      lel Seems fine to me. Surface 6 Volume 1 Surface 18 Volume 7 Surface 38 Volume 25 Surface 66 Volume 63 Surface 102 Volume 129 Surface 146 Volume 231 Surface 198 Volume 377 Surface 258 Volume 575 Surface 326 Volume 833 Surface 402 Volume 1159 Surface 486 Volume 1561 Surface 578 Volume 2047...
    3. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      Surface = Capacitors + Ship Core = 198 Volume = Shield Rechargers = 377 Your math is wrong. Octahedrons have the highest volume to surface area ratio in Starmade. I didn't include radius because I wasn't comparing radius.
    4. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      Cubes have a terrible volume to surface area.
    5. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      Volume for voxel based Octahedron with surface area of ~11k: Count 10818 Volume 182207 Since you're such a clever person I'm sure you can write the equation yourself.
    6. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      You can't make a perfect sphere in voxel. I get the feeling you're going to argue until you win. I regret bothering you.
    7. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      The basis of my argument is that neither of those equations work in voxel so you can't use them to determine volume or surface area. Consider this; part of a sphere's defining feature is that every point is equidistant from the center. Now try assembling that in voxel. What do you get? An...
    8. ToddoftheYear

      A ship design concept

      That's only true in real life because 3d structures can have an infinite number of surfaces. In Starmade, you can't build a real sphere. You're just assembling a bunch of six sided blocks to resemble a sphere. If you're looking to build a structure with the highest volume to surface area, try...
    9. ToddoftheYear

      Power flow though docks...

      No, they are not. Just to name a few: Shield Re-chargers Jump Inhibitors All Defensive Effects
    10. ToddoftheYear

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      Disabling docked power does not disable: -Docked Armor -Docked Thrusters -Docked Shields -Docked Weapons -Docked Interdiction Devices -Docked Large Entities in General All of these can cause just as much lag as docked power.
    11. ToddoftheYear

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      It's just as bad
    12. ToddoftheYear

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      No, externally docked armor is quite fine at causing a mess. It's also so good to the point of being mandatory for competitiveness. see:
    13. ToddoftheYear

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      Docked armor has the same problem.
    14. ToddoftheYear

      Block Driven Ship/Turret AI

      If your ship is so small that 3 blocks and 0.25 mass greatly affect your ship design, it is statistically too small to be effective in combat unless you deploy them in the thousands. You don't need to be quite so accusatory. I have never actually built a ship. I don't play on any servers.