Recent content by tinkerttoy

    1. T

      The Sun - A reason to visit it

      Bragging rights is reward enough.
    2. T

      Request to be able to get into the cockpit instead of core, also being able to move the core without

      I second this. The requirement to have an easily-exposed core makes boarding a ship far too easy.
    3. T

      Graphics bug

      I\'m having the same problem as everyone else. Graphics card is AMD Radeon 6000-something HD. Linux x86, using the radeon driver instead of Catalyst. I haven\'t tried switching to Catalyst yet.
    4. T

      General Game Issues [Not Bugs]

      Hello! I\'ve got an interesting graphical bug. It\'s sufficiently weird that I feel it\'s worth ten seconds. The rendering of blocks is FUBAR. Strange slanted surfaces appear on top of most blocks, always slanting in the same direction. Blocks also tend to appear and disappear at random, or...