Theo Pico

    I could write an extremely long description here, but I'll just paste a link to my Steam profile. It contains all the information you'll need about me.

    Oh, and have some fitting music as well
    Aug 26, 2000 (Age: 23)


    I am currently building an Immobilizer 418 cruiser from Star Wars.
    I will upload screenshots of my progress to my Steam account.



    1. 100

      Legacy Citizen 9

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 9 full years.
    2. 100

      Legacy Citizen 8

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 8 full years.
    3. 100

      Legacy Citizen 7

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 7 full years.
    4. 100

      Legacy Citizen 6

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 6 full years.
    5. 100

      Legacy Citizen 5

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 5 full years.
    6. 100

      Legacy Citizen 4

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 4 full years.
    7. 100

      Legacy Citizen 3

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 3 full years.
    8. 100

      Legacy Citizen 2

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 2 full years
    9. 100

      Legacy Citizen

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 1 full year
    10. 100


      This citizen has purchased a copy of StarMade! What a champion!