Recent content by theguy17

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      More bugfixes (0.105) *updated*

      when does the launcher get updateded to play w/ this cause i don\'t know how to extract it to a new folder and play it there
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      More bugfixes

      same here can\'t wait
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      themed planets

      ex: the xenomorph home world, gallifrey, reach, etc. think about it
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      StarMade 0.1 (Prebuild)

      how do i do the other things besides downloading it
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      Waypoints to improve navigation?

      why have it cost credits?
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      Space dwelling creatures

      OH MY GOOOOD!! yes
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      maybe some more wedges on the wings for a more steamlined looking wings
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      Warhound-Class Titan [(1:1) W40k]

      cool build and where did you get the suit texture
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      StarMade 0.0947: Update Inbetween

      quick question how come my camera gets really messed up some times like it doesn\'t seem calibrated right or something like it forces me to walk upside down basically
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      Improvements to inventory.

      sounds cool although my ship is rather big maybe more turrets then
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09423

      sounds cool
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09423

      random question but are there any blackholes anywhere in the game
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      Space Face! (Creeper themed ship)

      the creeper head should be disintergrater blocks insted my opinon
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      StarMade 0.09387: Huge batch of bugfixes & fixed recipes (hotfixed #2)

      very courious as to what speed means on the antimater canonns is that for reload
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      StarMade 0.093865: Small but important fix

      i updated and my client says cureent verson 0.0 build undefined should i be worried or something