Recent content by TheDerpGamerX

    1. TheDerpGamerX

      WarpSpace 2 - Version 1.0.1 Release

      Changelog Added SMD Resource ID.
    2. TheDerpGamerX

      WarpSpace 2 1.0.1

      Description This mod explores the idea to have a space in which you travel to get from point a to point b, but faster than normal flight. This mod is a continuation of WarpSpace made by IR0NSIGHT. I will be slowly rewriting the mod over time and adding in new features. Quick Start Guide The mod...
    3. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.9 Release

      Changelog: Added a trust player command, to exempt trusted players from specified security checks. Added comments to config.
    4. TheDerpGamerX

      BetterBuilding - Version 1.4.1 Release

      Changelog: Added ability to move template placements using Arrow Keys, Page Up, and Page Down. These directions are converted to be relative to the camera's orientation, with the Up and Down keys moving placements away from and towards the camera respectively. Added ability to move template...
    5. TheDerpGamerX

      BetterBuilding - Version 1.4.0 Release

      Changelog: Added paste offset functionality via Left Alt and scroll wheel. The paste offset will be applied in the axis the camera is facing towards the paste area. Bug Fixes: Fixed crash called by Tilde (~) being somehow treated as a number key.
    6. TheDerpGamerX

      CombatTweaks - Version 1.1.15 Release

      Bug Fixes: Added try-catch blocks to prevent the "mystery" nullpointer bug from crashing the game. Removed the MissileHitEvent listener as it was no longer needed and was causing issues with missiles not doing any damage.
    7. TheDerpGamerX

      CombatCam - Version 1.0.3 Release

      Bug Fixes: Fixed a crash bug related to camera switching.
    8. TheDerpGamerX

      EdenCore - Version 1.11.7 Release

      Bug Fixes: Patched an exploit.
    9. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.8 Release

      Bug Fixes: Fixed another login bug.
    10. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.7 Release

      Bug Fixes: Fixed login bug.
    11. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.6 Release

      Bug Fixes: Fixed jar issue.
    12. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.5 Release

      Bug Fixes: Config fixes
    13. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.4 Release

      Changelog: Added Discord reporting feature.
    14. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.3 Release

      Bug Fixes: Fixed login issue.
    15. TheDerpGamerX

      SpaceGuard - Version 1.0.2 Release

      Bug Fixes: Fixed versioning error.