Recent content by The Inner Geek

    1. The Inner Geek

      ADI-Forged From A Star

      I dont\' think the lore is silly at all. Now my lore, that\'s silly. All my ships are Star-Fart Forged. We collect the gaseous eminations from sun flares and distill out the minerals then age them in Jack Daniels whiskey casks. The maple wood adds a lot of flavor to the metals as they mellow in...
    2. The Inner Geek

      StarMade passes Steam's Greenlight!

      Congrats on the Greelight... um... greenlight. I\'m partially guilty of finding the game on greenlight. I had actually looked at it a few months ago but didn\'t have time to mess with it. Then when I saw it on Greenlight I was reminded that I had meant to check it out.