Recent content by The Hive

    1. The Hive

      Advance Building (Diagonal Mirrors for circular projects!)

      Can you add diagonal mirrors for my Mobile space station (Using ship core so it moves) So that i can make a perfect circular space station, cuz i hate it when i have to use X, Y, Z axis but i still have to make a huge copy of 1 side of the station, cuz it only auto copy front and back, but i...
    2. The Hive

      Hoping for Starmade to make diagonal build mirrors for my mobile space station (using ship core...

      Hoping for Starmade to make diagonal build mirrors for my mobile space station (using ship core, so it moves) :)
    3. The Hive

      The Final Countdown - T-minus ?

      I like the "final Countdown" (the original from that video) but i don't like the new "Final Countdown" it sound weird and stupid other than that, i like old rock/pop music. specially when they have good beats... like that drum from imagine dragons, other band i like. Not many good songs these...