Recent content by Subtrance

    1. Subtrance

      Planet Shape

      Larger & double-sided seems to be the way to go at this point. I\'d pick cubes seeing as how round planets are out of the question, as said from the guy making the game. I mean, we can have round planets but then the features we currently have would lag the game to hell with the coding to make...
    2. Subtrance

      Drill and Drilling stations

      @Contacaton: Tier them up. Make column drilling happen first before reaching the salvage beams, unless lucky and looted from other ships, pirates, or dungeons/ruins.
    3. Subtrance

      Warping, levels, territories etc....

      Everything that was suggested had been before. Except for 6 that is. 1) Warp gates been suggested and even planned as a feature. You\'ll see it sometimes soon down the line, or so I heard from official channels. I could be wrong. 2) Hoping to see pirates buffed up as well. People want them to...
    4. Subtrance

      Moveable Ship Core

      As one person mentioned - Have the core only be moved when you sit at the shop for a certain period of time. If you screwed up you should be given some mercy, but at the cost of having been idle at the shop for 2-5 minutes or so. Once you relocate the core you shouldn\'t be able to move it until...
    5. Subtrance


      I\'m assuming things will be simplified so having planet-biome specific mobs should be interesting. I could be wrong but be nice to come across numerous kinds of mobs. Hopefully it\'ll be numerous in choice, updated on a monthly basis later down the line, so we could constantly have new mobs to...
    6. Subtrance

      Planet Exploration

      All that you mentioned are planned. But I do agree that the planets need more to them, more purpose for you to stay there for a longer period. Larger, more detailed planets...double-sided at that would be awesome. Being able to interact with the alien locals should be interesting, and finding...
    7. Subtrance

      Outside Cameras

      I support this ideas because of the ways I\'ve seen people build their ship. They get so big and bulky that having cameras would help. I would say that there should be a command console that you could place on your ship in some form of interior you\'ve created (maybe a surveillence room), plop...
    8. Subtrance


      Having them as far-off scenery and nearby enviromental threats is welcomed by me. Should make space more deadly and more interesting to those trying to show off with bigger ships. Hide a few pirate stations within them for the hell of it.
    9. Subtrance

      a better navigation system

      Would be nice if you could place down becons at planets then get a tab in the menu to show you how to get there. Each becon should also allow you to add a small line of text so you can describe the purpose of each planet. That should hopefully help and I do hope some form of it gets added...
    10. Subtrance

      Planet Size & Density

      Adding some variety to mining should be fun :) Also wanted to bump this thread because I\'ve come to like the idea of giant double-sided planets - Oreas or double-sided coin - with terrain on on both top and bottom. I\'ve seen people worrying about the sides when going double-sided so maybe...
    11. Subtrance

      Planets - add more.

      Ya, I agree on making the planets bigger...even double-sided and borg-cube shaped as others suggested. It would make them more interesting. As for building things, I thought you could? And ores? Keep suggesting and pushing I guess.
    12. Subtrance


      Having planets shaped in a cube should actually be quite interesting. I support that and the double-sided coin type. For variety sake I would accept both, as with varying sized planets to travel to. It would make exploring all that more interesting while giving space that \"uniqueness\" when...
    13. Subtrance


      I support this greatly! It would add a new layer of immersion which the game could benefit from, especially for those that role-play. Add all the small features and it\'ll compliment the game as a whole. I can imagine all the Star Trek and U-Boat/Navy people cheering happily. If done right, it...
    14. Subtrance

      Fleet tracker

      A fleet tracker would be something I can agree with. Similar to all those plane and boat trackers you can Google up it would be nice knowing where your ships are at. Have another tab holding your ship, a basic icon, and the coordinates within it. A secondary helpful solution should be...
    15. Subtrance

      More Factions and NPCs

      I\'ll agree with more humanoid/insect (or whatever the aliens look like) to have form outside of their ship. It would make space feel a tiny bit more lively. I\'d also enjoy seeing some ghost-like aliens roaming space and abandoned space stations. With all the ghost ship stories in Star Wars...