Recent content by stickaidan

    1. stickaidan

      DIfferent docking?

      Suggestion: Do what space engineers did, and make the docking thing a block. prefer starmade over space engineers just as much as the next guy, but maybe we could do something like the docking system there - get close, and attach. Obviously you would have to make it so enemy factions cant dock...
    2. stickaidan

      Super slow AMCs?

      Okay so i've played with the new system for a few days (not im understanding why more people like it, even though setting up the dual system is annoying as hell), but it takes up a shit ton of space. seriously, i want to make a shotgun amc config for my first mother ship and the guns need to be...
    3. stickaidan

      Super slow AMCs?

      Man thats super annoying... is there a config setting to set it back to the way it was? or is it gonna stay like this forever Q_Q
    4. stickaidan

      Super slow AMCs?

      Okay, so, I've started playing starmade again (after buying it, yay!) and it's been a while (the last time i played, planets were flat and there was no procedural background. i think about 6 months ago.). Anyway, i started playing today and decided to make (another) youtube video series thing...