Recent content by soundnsilence

    1. S

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I mostly agree that this is a great start to this solution, it minimizes block usage, promotes interior building, and adds potential complexity. The use of cooling chambers is a great idea , but seems a bit overly complex at the moment. However, I have to agree with these two quotes (copied...
    2. S

      Render Porn

      Thanks for citing ownership! I love your edits to it! :)
    3. S

      Who made me?

      Hey Karride! It's hilarious to me that that ship has been just floating in space and cyberspace this entire time only to be found as some derelict cruiser. I believe your server was my first ever starmade server I played on. I have been playing on GenXnova for a while now! I am still the leader...