Recent content by SolitaryPoet

    1. SolitaryPoet

      Refitting Old Famous (And not so famous) StarMade Ships!

      No, I have not, but thank you for the advice. I will try that to see what happens. Also, the ships I had problems with were the Nova Class, Rhode Island refit and the NX-01 refit. [EDIT] I can't even get the first Chink-32 to load on my computer for some reason, so that's not an option. I guess...
    2. SolitaryPoet

      Refitting Old Famous (And not so famous) StarMade Ships!

      Yea, GaeasSon's old ships spawn in slices on the current version of StarMade. They really need updating. It's so sad to see them falling apart.
    3. SolitaryPoet

      Socket Exception Error

      Where is the player profile located? I just started having the same problem.
    4. SolitaryPoet

      "SocketException: Connection reset"

      I\'m having the same problem. How do I fix it without disabling my antivirus?
    5. SolitaryPoet

      StarMade 0.09473: Security Fix

      Where is the link to download 09473?
    6. SolitaryPoet

      Turning has been nerfed a liiiitle too much.

      And if you don\'t like, it\'s a good thing you can change the settings yourself.
    7. SolitaryPoet

      United Colonial Systems Shipwright

      Reminds me a bit of Red Dwarf.
    8. SolitaryPoet

      Hopefully last prebuild before release.

      I absolutely second that! Pulling up has always been the fastest way to turn in a dogfight. This will be an awesome Wing Commander-esque move.
    9. SolitaryPoet

      Pirates and pyramids

      I found a city on a yellow planet hovering dangerously close to the sun. I don\'t know how much the loot is worth because it was getting late (last night) and I went to bed. I\'m guessing I can finally buy that Nova Class starship.
    10. SolitaryPoet

      Why does the .Starmade folder exist?

      Why does the .Starmade folder even exist if the game just gets installed on the desktop? How do I use the .Starmade folder so I don't have to clutter up my desktop with starmade folders?