Recent content by Slight

    1. S

      Please switch forum software

      I think you\'re trivializing the matter here. It\'s not \"simply [making] the forum look different\", it\'s making it more functional and usable. Making it attractive and readable is also important, as people will actually want to participate in the forums and will put more effort into the...
    2. S

      Damage Control

      Totally agree. Maybe shops or some new \"repair\" structure will repair your ship for the blockcost * interest rate %. Very good idea. Maybe even a hand held device that shows a progress bar and repairs the ship over time depending on the damage. It would take the actual items from your...
    3. S

      [Mothership] Project Dervish - WIP

      Needless to say, this is impressive. I\'m having a hard time comprehending how you could have possibly done all this by hand. Building complex geometry on a large scale is a very difficult task for a person to be able to visualize and complete block by block. Not to mention the absurd amount of...
    4. S

      Please switch forum software

      While this isn't directly related to the game itself, I think the community would flurish much better with a bit more proper forum software (PHPBB, vBulletin, ect). Whatever software is being used currently is just... terrible to be blunt. Quoting is non-existant, the reply feature bumps a post...
    5. S

      Plans For Planets in Future Versions?

      ---------------------------------------- I was curious as to what Schema plans to do with planets in Starmade. I'm inclined to believe they're not going to remain these closely clustered miniaturized disks that we currently see. Ideally, I'd envision them as extremely large spherical bodies of...
    6. S

      Please let us having spaces and punctuation in ship names

      Why act oblivious to common sense? How about because it looks better for ship names to appear properly punctuated and with all characters available and because there\'s no good reason to have this restriction in the first place? This is a very valid request and one that I would imagine will...