Recent content by ShiroiKuma

    1. ShiroiKuma

      Linux Starmade Startup Script

      If anyone is interested I will upload a systemd compatible version soon, once I\'m implemented a config file for it.
    2. ShiroiKuma

      Faction Block & Out of Build Mode

      That\'s really handy to know. I wasn\'t too sure how it\'d work on a planet compared with station. Oddly enough, 0 pirates have spawned near the planet for days so not been able to test it out. Thanks again!
    3. ShiroiKuma

      Faction Block & Out of Build Mode

      I have a quick questions, I've placed a Faction Block down inside a planet so I can make this a homebase while terraforming it (don't want pirates destroying it while I'm busy). However I'm curious, are blocks placed while in "Build Mode" of a BuildBlock attached to the Faction Block in some...
    4. ShiroiKuma

      Texture Pack,

      Wow that\'s just simply awesome, definitely waiting for this pack! Such high quality in your work.
    5. ShiroiKuma

      Block size?

      Just wondering while I'm working on some paper schematics, what is the general concensus on block size? 1m / 1.5m / 2m per block?
    6. ShiroiKuma

      std::cout << "Hello Galaxy";

      I just wanted to post a quick introduction, I just got the game based on a friends recommendation for voxel games. My purpose is twofold. I am learning about game development in my spare time so that I can move away from tedious business development (just had enough of writing financial software...