Recent content by ShaNagbaImurru

    1. ShaNagbaImurru

      Interchangeable Graphic Card option

      Sorry for the late reply! I do the - "Then going to the folder where the .exe is located - Rightclick the .exe and choose wich processer i want to run the game with (doing it the normal way of simply double clicking dosent work for me)." - Part of it every time (english is not my main...
    2. ShaNagbaImurru

      Interchangeable Graphic Card option

      Hey Commodore Unfortunately no, it didnt help :/
    3. ShaNagbaImurru

      Interchangeable Graphic Card option

      Hello there So I'm not much of a forums user as it is, so I'm not really sure if this has been up and around (haven't spotted it during a quick search, but if its there please correct me), but I would like to have a new option implemented in the launcher options = a choice of witch grapichs...
    4. ShaNagbaImurru

      Drones, and Advanced A.I.

      First off - This idear got my full support When you\'ll use the beformentioned Salvage Drone, then what about storage? Would the Drone have to have 1 og more Plexstorages that you can empty when they come back to the hangar? or would it be something like them just transfering the materials...
    5. ShaNagbaImurru

      Infinite Shop Stock

      Im thinking that creative mode would make the game too much like MC, perhaps just a simple option in the Server.cfg file that would make the default shop start out with half/max inventory. I think this would might be able to satisfy all those \"Creative\" nuts out there (dont worry, im part of...