Recent content by Sarraj

    1. S

      Bug Ship rollback?

      So I just had a strange bug I've never seen before: a ship rollback I got onto the local server I run on my desktop, and edited a ship for say an hour or so. Then I went off exploring to find a new shop since the known ones were empty, and when I came back, half of the work I'd done was gone...
    2. S

      What 3 features would you most like to see added to Starmade?

      1: Docking Alignment block, so that ships are no longer centered around the core. A 40x40x40 ship should fit in a 50x50x50 docking area. 2: A new Tool in the Tools section of the launcher that allows the movement of ship cores, or in lieu of that, a pilot block that allows an active flight mode...