
    May 4, 1996 (Age: 28)


    Any feedback would be nice and is accepted, negative or positive it all helps!!!!
    P.S. I will have changed my ign to TheHarbinger so it matches my name in most other games.


    1. 100

      Legacy Citizen 10

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 10 full years.
    2. 100

      Legacy Citizen 9

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 9 full years.
    3. 100

      Legacy Citizen 8

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 8 full years.
    4. 100

      Legacy Citizen 7

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 7 full years.
    5. 100

      Legacy Citizen 6

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 6 full years.
    6. 100

      Legacy Citizen 5

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 5 full years.
    7. 100

      Legacy Citizen 4

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 4 full years.
    8. 100

      Legacy Citizen 3

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 3 full years.
    9. 100

      Legacy Citizen 2

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 2 full years
    10. 100

      Legacy Citizen

      This citizen has been registered on StarMade Dock for at least 1 full year
    11. 150

      Community Content - Bronze 1

      This citizen has submitted a creation to the community content section
    12. 100


      This citizen has purchased a copy of StarMade! What a champion!