Recent content by Reviire

    1. Reviire

      (Another) Weapon Rework

      I know, gets suggested all the time. But hear me out, there's a chance this might not suck. (Hah.) Now, I hear that the reason for the whole master/slave system is to lower the amount of blocks, while increasing the amount of weapons. But it has limits, the variety of weapons is limited by how...
    2. Reviire

      Depth in the thrust system: use some physics.

      This would severely limit designs, I can't see it being in Starmade. So many designs would become inviable because they'd be, even at best, slightly off the center of mass.
    3. Reviire

      Recognized by Council Re-work EMP passive

      I can't help but think locking down a single ship isn't really worth it. Your one ship is focusing on one ship of theirs, and you really just don't gain anything. Assuming it's a fair battle, anyway.
    4. Reviire

      Recognized by Council Re-work EMP passive

      I'm out of the buff loop, and the wiki is doing that whole outdated thing. Well then I guess it's not too bad, never really seen it around much though.
    5. Reviire

      Brainstorm This Thruster Fuel

      That's actually a pretty cool idea. I wouldn't mind diving in with a fuel scoop, or setting up a station with it's own giant fuelscoops. Would add some more stuff to the game, and if only certain stars provide fuel, would encourage trade between players. To not totally fuck people over...
    6. Reviire

      Recognized by Council Re-work EMP passive

      The EMP passive is directly related to the EMP offensive. Plus they're both bad and useless, so why not fix both?
    7. Reviire

      Recognized by Council Re-work EMP passive

      EMP passive could disable blocks in a radius for X amount of seconds. Capacitors get drained, reactors stop reacting, weapons stop providing bonuses to the weapon group, etc.
    8. Reviire

      Implemented Armor Alternative to Shields?

      Well if it recharged/regenerated that kinda removes the point. It was more supposed to be, it can take more hits than shields, but it doesn't regenerate, so in a long fight shields would probably do more.
    9. Reviire

      Implemented Armor Alternative to Shields?

      On the topic of missiles, would be cool if piercing gave it a sort of piercing affect, at the cost of damage. It tunnels under the armor and detonates, or something. Otherwise, thanks for your feedback on the suggestion. The pierce/punchthrough defensives do exist, they're great, but don't...
    10. Reviire

      Brainstorm This Thruster Fuel

      If fuel usage scales well enough, it would be fine. Small ships shouldn't need to refill much, while your large battleships should be refueling quite often, unless you've got one hell of a fuel supply.
    11. Reviire

      Implemented Armor Alternative to Shields?

      Now, this isn't a very thought out idea, but the gist of it is, why not have alternates to shields. They're essentially requires for obvious reasons, but what if instead people could opt for armor tanking over shield tanking. Maybe have a different sort of module, that increases the strength of...
    12. Reviire

      Read by Council Tech Progression, Alien Ruins, Other Stuff

      When I said particle cannon, I was just throwing out a word for something that would be better than the cannon in some ways, but worse in others (Drastically slower projectile, for example.). It would essentially be a cannon, being able to do all the same slaves, but it wouldn't be unlocked at...
    13. Reviire

      Read by Council Tech Progression, Alien Ruins, Other Stuff

      Well the idea was that tech would have different disadvantages, while the benefits would be bigger than the previous tier. While armor gets stronger, it also gets heavier, for example. Other things would have branches that aren't really an improvement, but entirely new things, i.e flak...
    14. Reviire

      Mining and Asteroid Changes

      You're going over the exact same issues that already can happen in the game, do you think that players are somehow immune from being killed in their mining ships? New players are already exposed, they are always exposed. You are exposed if you don't want to sit in your homebase for the entire...
    15. Reviire

      Mining and Asteroid Changes

      PVP protection is by server, if you don't like PVP, then don't play on a PVP enabled server. I for one enjoy the constant risks, I like having to fight. You can already be killed for no reason by players, I'm not sure why you think this is any different, except this is fighting for a reason...