Recent content by Rambokala

    1. R

      Swag Stormtrooper Please vote if you dig the server.
    2. R

      Swag Stormtrooper

      A shameless bump for visibility.
    3. R

      Swag Stormtrooper

      The Server is back up
    4. R

      Swag Stormtrooper

      The server seems to be down. I will try and fix it. It should\'ve restarted automatically.
    5. R

      Swag Stormtrooper

      Auron no one has kicked you, i have no idea why it\'s saying that.
    6. R

      Swag Stormtrooper

      This was the first time in like 12 hours the server crashed. One of the admins will be always online and fixing the crashes.
    7. R

      European StarMade server, WE HAVE MOVED TO

      The server has moved to
    8. R

      European StarMade server, WE HAVE MOVED TO

      The server has moved to You can get your ship back by asking me ingame for money to buy it at the shop from \"Catalog\" -Section
    9. R

      European StarMade server, WE HAVE MOVED TO

      WE HAVE MOVED TO S.MIKUZ.ORG:4242 I will try to figure out how everyone can get their ships back
    10. R

      Optimized Gaming Server 30 slots/RP/no lag/Whitelist

      I\'d like to get whitelisted
    11. R

      StarFleet Server Fun Server

      I\'d like to get whitelisted, IGN is Rambokala.