Recent content by psicoalex

    1. P

      Nvidia =/= Intel !

      I resolved it! Priority to NVidia!! Thanks all !
    2. P

      Nvidia =/= Intel !

      It doesn\'t :( Thanks anyway ^^\'
    3. P

      Nvidia =/= Intel !

      Oh, i\'ll try, thanks J3system ^^
    4. P

      Nvidia =/= Intel !

      @Ridding : I\'ll try okay, thanks c: @schema : Oh, how can I do that?
    5. P

      Nvidia =/= Intel !

      At the top it\'s writed : \"ErrorDialogException : ERROR DIALOG EXCEPTION: data//shader/perpixel/perpixel.vert.glsl date//shader/perpixel/perpixel.frag.glsl In the folder perpixel, there are present these files.
    6. P

      Nvidia =/= Intel !

      Hello! I have a huge problem with starmade : When I launch the game, at 99% or 100% of the loading it blocks, and shows me an error that Intel cards doesn't work with Starmade. The problem is : I have not Intel Card, I have Nvidia! I updated my driver but it doesn't work... If someone can help...