Recent content by peki1990

    1. P

      Light Fighter MK II 1.0

      Some light fighter i made
    2. P

      Trident Class Surveyor from Star Wars (WIP) 1.0

      My ship is based on Trident Class Surveyor from Star Wars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specs: Mass: 1762.3 Length: 79m,Height: 28m,Width: 37m Power: 197300.0 Thrust: 885.8: Power Cons: 444.0 Turning Speed: X-Axis 1.2, Y-Axis 1.2...
    3. P

      AI Group number by ship rating

      Yes if you set a fighter rating to 1 it witll spawn 10 of them in a mob group, set bomber rating to 2 and it will spawn 9 of them in a group and so on bigger the rating smaler the group. if you want to fight 3 captial ship then set them rating of 8. :)
    4. P

      New faction

      It would be cool that aliens have organic hulls on their ships like this, I added several textures to my game and its look very nice, little bit disgusting but nice.
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      AI Group number by ship rating

      its not complicated is very simple, Maybe i want to fight 1 on 1 with pirate cruser. And yes Vessels have rating in catalog from 1 to 10. Like LazerusKI said you dont want to give pirates a cruser if they spawn the thing in huge masses like fighters.
    6. P

      New faction

      I would like to suggest a new faction (Aliens) and a new block type (alien organic texture) It would be so awesome :)
    7. P

      AI Group number by ship rating

      Hi all i just want to say that this is best game ever made :) I want to suggest to make pirates in group appear deapending on ship rating. Im basicly talking about player made ship used by AI. For example if ship rating is 1 (fighter or whatever) then it will spawn 10 pirates with ship rating...