Recent content by Parameter

    1. Parameter

      ZimmTech: Pirate Fleet Competition [Awards Announced]

      One thing I noted when doing some combat testing with my ships is that beams are ridiculously badly broken right now. Close range, they perform as expected, but at even medium ranges you'll often see long range beams completely pierce a ship and yet register no damage. Also, even on the...
    2. Parameter

      StarMade Mandatory Ship Aesthetics

      Blergh. I wish this thread had not be resurrected. "I want ships designed with my aesthetic sense to be optimal compared to currently optimal ships whose design I dislike." "I know, let's penalize entirely different classes of ship designs in an attempt to make how I design ships more optimal...
    3. Parameter

      ZimmTech: Pirate Fleet Competition [Awards Announced]

      :D YAY :D Sadly, I, uh, don't have a speech prepared or anything. I know you all are disappointed. :p First and foremost, though, I'm glad that jzimmerman4 took the time to host this competition and provide an opportunity for the entire community to get involved. I also really enjoyed getting...
    4. Parameter

      ZimmTech: Pirate Fleet Competition [Awards Announced]

      Because I'm a loser, I forgot to upload my ships to the community content section, instead of just linking to them in the thread. I've fixed that now! You can find the Shepherd pirate ships here now:
    5. Parameter

      ZimmTech TheShepherds Parameter 1.0

      The Shepherds are a bunch of slavers. With a few twisted interpretations of various religious texts, they've convinced themselves that mankind is damned and ought to be working towards forgiveness through a lifetime of harsh labor and cruel conditions. Of course, the Shepherds are there to help...
    6. Parameter

      ZimmTech: Pirate Fleet Competition [Awards Announced]

      Finally finished my entry. For some reason, half my weapon systems stopped working and I had to replace the computers :confused: The Shepherds are a bunch of slavers. With a few twisted interpretations of various religious texts, they've convinced themselves that mankind is damned and ought to...
    7. Parameter

      Kill Logic pipes

      For large ships, it isn't hard to plot out cable runs. For small ships, you don't always have the luxury of a square-meter conduit between your logic systems. Routing wires with ANDs is a hack around it, but still takes up additional space I may not have. Real machines have wires inside of...
    8. Parameter

      Read by Council Grid based logic computer system

      I think Raisinbat and, to a lesser extent others, are missing how useful compacting logic into a smaller footprint is. Take a couple of examples: - I wanted to make something akin to a star wars speeder for kicking around planets. It was small, less than 200 blocks, but had seating for 3...
    9. Parameter

      ZimmTech: Pirate Fleet Competition [Awards Announced]

      Blergh, a week without a computer (Yay vacation!) put me a bit behind. I'll have to bundle up my alpha versions of my ships for submission.
    10. Parameter

      Read by Council Grid based logic computer system

      While I respect your experience (I'm formally trained as an electrical engineer and have ~ a decade of experience in programming, from low-level assembly control systems to high-level application development), I think the level of logic emulation you're advocating is higher than most gamers...
    11. Parameter

      Read by Council Grid based logic computer system

      I this this is a fine idea, but maybe not the best general approach. A large number of gamers are not programmers and do not aspire to be. Visual logic systems are bit easier to understand, and definitely easier to scope. If you allow programming, you have to define a memory space for it to...
    12. Parameter

      Important reminder for when area trigger collisions with weapons get removed

      Woo! One step closer to area trigger based close in anti missile defense systems!!!
    13. Parameter


      I agree we need more mobility. Sprinting and crouching at a minimum,imo. Astronaut fisticuffs are something I always need more of, though.
    14. Parameter

      Read by Council Grid based logic computer system

      You can represent any circuit on a piece of paper, but as someone who's done printed circuit board layouts I can tell you there is a reason there are 2,4,&6+ layer circuit boards. Sometimes layouts just need to cross wires. In 2d space we can use junction dots to indicate wires that touch, and...
    15. Parameter

      Minimum weapon damage

      I agree with your sentiment, but note in my quoted post: There's definitely plenty of gameplay reasons.