Recent content by Panik Attak

    1. Panik Attak

      Electronic Warfare Update.

    2. Panik Attak

      Read by Council Explosions (with the new plume effect)

      Before you post condensending sighs, maybe you should make sure your science makes any sense at all. 1. Metals don't typically "burn" especially not any metal used as armor plating...on a space ship. Metals do spark different colors when grinded, which is a simple way to tell what type of...
    3. Panik Attak

      Candidates for the "Final Boss of StarMade"

      Someone build the giant spikeball baby head from the end of the last matrix movie xD
    4. Panik Attak

      Read by Council Explosions (with the new plume effect)

      Why would the effect come from the ship and not the projectile. Especially misses, the projectile is exploding against armor. Maybe explosions from the ship would occur at certain damage percentages, but, to me, projectile color makes more sense
    5. Panik Attak

      Read by Council Explosions (with the new plume effect)

      Should def match the color of the projectile and radius should match the damage radius of the weapon!
    6. Panik Attak

      Using star system adjacency to provide base protection

      Agreed but there is a way to fix it. You could add an invisible resource that accumulates based on how many solar systems you own. This resource could be what fuels invulnerablity of none home base systems. This resource would drain once one of the outside systems were lost. So vulnerability...
    7. Panik Attak

      Making planets useful utilizing the new power and scanning systems.

      well the intent wasn't to replace current mining practices for resources, but more to find a way to make planets desirable. The resources acquired from what I proposed don't even need to be physical resources. the "planetary mining facilities" could provide the resources needed to maintain home...
    8. Panik Attak

      Shields change.

      can we stop confusing wanting to make fighters more viable in pvp with fighters being able to 1v1 battleships?
    9. Panik Attak

      Shields change.

      I wasn't implying we just nerf shields to 60% with no additional adjustments. there are other number to tweak that make the game more balance-able. shield regen can be improved dramatically and even armor hp could be boosted to compensate. Once the chamber system comes out there's gong to be a...
    10. Panik Attak

      Shields change.

      yes but currently the number needed is so high that you'd crash the server before you ever came close to actually fighting. not saying a fighter should be able to take down a battleship, but it should be able to Atleast make a dent. I'm just saying let's bring shield dmg absorbtion down to...
    11. Panik Attak

      Shields change.

      to make smaller ships viable against larger ships, plus it adds more to combat than just, I can't hurt you unless my ship is big enough to out dps your regen
    12. Panik Attak

      Shields change.

      or we could stop making shields block 100% of damage >.>
    13. Panik Attak

      Clarity, Metrics, and Players - What is this game's design, anyway?

      well your critiques, to me, seem to point that you missed the point on what a "sandbox" game is, its not suppose to be defined by 1 or 2 features. It's a sandbox game...yes its Frankenstein right now, because they have half done many features in order to give people things to test and give...
    14. Panik Attak

      Making planets useful utilizing the new power and scanning systems.

      During some discord discussions, I had an idea for making planets useful using the soon-to-be-implemented systems, mainly, scanning and reactor system. Basically, using the exact same premise as the reactor/chamber set up, You would set up a "mining system" on a planet, the size reactor could...