Recent content by Olxinos

    1. Olxinos

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      Then you can still have a "self"-powered turret by docking a dedicated reactor with a regular rail basic, and dock the turret on this reactor. Actually, it's sometimes the preferred option as you have lighter and smaller moving parts (the downside being the additional docked entity, potentially...
    2. Olxinos

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      ...and thrust, I mean, passive effects "only" amounts to 5~15% of a ship's mass depending on how many you're running, thrust however amounts to 15~35% of a ship's mass... otherwise, agreed. By the way, I'm not convinced by them trying to address this issue by making passive effects depend on the...
    3. Olxinos

      Power suggstion 2.0 does it hit the goals?

      Imho: Predictability: Placing a block leads to predictable outcomes Fine for me (for me, it means that you could do a quick mental calculation before placing a block to know how it'll alter the stats, which indeed seems to be the case). Simplicity: The game should only describe the rules to...
    4. Olxinos

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      That'd be a completely viable and good design decision if players couldn't go wide instead of going tall. By that, I mean you need to have superlinear power costs in addition to your superlinear power yields, however it's easy building Nx N-times-smaller weapons rather than a single weapon which...
    5. Olxinos

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      I don't think it's true as long as they cost enough power. Well, some ships might be able to use more chambers at the expense of more basic systems like weapons or shields or whatever, but that doesn't seem problematic to me. Yeah, it isn't actually exactly what they said, I unintentionally...
    6. Olxinos

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      (Imho, in no specific order) What's good : 1) The chamber system may be used to add a great variety of neat kisscool effects. Variety is great. 2) You thought about switching reactors (therefore chambers), more dynamism is good. I'm bored of the usual routine of "jump into core, enable all...
    7. Olxinos

      I've been told that's what people traditionally say when they first taste marmite. Never tasted...

      I've been told that's what people traditionally say when they first taste marmite. Never tasted it myself though. Maybe he's in a marmite-tasting period?
    8. Olxinos

      Missile shield penetration

      That might indeed be a case of ⚓ T1912 No shield sharing if projectile damage is bigger than parent shield capacity (or some other related bug I don't know about)
    9. Olxinos

      Minimade baby-sized server [WILL CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2017]

      I tried deleting Jake Lancia but accidentally deleted Iskir instead. However, that caused regular nullpointers on the server, so I reverted to the backup I made beforehand, deleted their configuration/blueprints, and added a line in my script to regularly despawn their stuff.
    10. Olxinos

      Minimade baby-sized server [WILL CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2017]

      Some people have brought up a couple issues : 1) Someone asked for enabling BUY_BLUEPRINTS_WITH_CREDITS 2) There have been criticisms about the current accuracy/range settings. My viewpoints on those issues are the following : 1) I'd rather have players use shipyards (or manual building) rather...
    11. Olxinos

      Made a 1:10 scale model of a carrier - what do you think?

      I don't, but that's an interesting approach. Dammit, missclick, welp I'll edit quickly Done. That'll work. If I may voice two remarks though: - 30x30x30 will be a bit small to easily get those 2m e/s (or even 1m6~1m8 e/s) with a good efficiency (you'll get ~280e/s/reactor block tops if you...
    12. Olxinos

      Bobby AI turrets keep missing

      I'm asking because AI accuracy once depended on the difficulty setting and was awfully low for "easy (something like 20 which essentially means that AI is severely nearsighted). I don't know if it's still the case, however if your turret fires but has terrible accuracy, I think it's very likely...
    13. Olxinos

      Minimade baby-sized server [WILL CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2017]

      Asvarduil The ship itself is still <3k mass ; the planet plate however will have its mass slightly increased (since I include docked entities) but since my teleportation script only applies to ships, it doesn't care about the planet plate mass. So, no, you're fine :p
    14. Olxinos

      Minimade baby-sized server [WILL CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2017]

      In fact I've even increased those 48 hours (2 days) to 168 hours (a week) not so long ago [edit: last saturday actually, the post is on the previous page]. I've however not written a script enforcing a lower bound on FPs yet. I said earlier I'd try to do it last weekend, but well, I had to take...
    15. Olxinos

      Singleplayer Creative/Admin

      Open StarMade's root directory, open admins.txt (it should be empty, as long as it is empty everyone is an admin). Add a name which isn't yours. Even in "local game"->"Adv. settings" tab ?