Recent content by NotForrest

    1. NotForrest

      StarMade 0.94: More stability and lots of fixes

      when i load a blueprint the attatched turrets and ships fall off. please help.
    2. NotForrest

      StarMade 0.09383: Intermediate Update

      all these bug fixes yet still no fix for teleportation glitches or a stasus pod like feature implamented for flagships
    3. NotForrest

      Pirate SpaceStations

      i just missiled the center of there stasion and broke the loot chests took the loot and ran
    4. NotForrest

      Warp speed

      just so u know this is kinda a SIFI game... who cares about realisum :P
    5. NotForrest

      Warp speed

      i think it should be 1min travel time per 5 sectors
    6. NotForrest

      Warp speed

      i think you guys at starmade should add a warp speed computer and thrusters. the way they would work is thar u can activate it like a wepon and it can warp you to a sector in an instate. the more "warp speed thrusters" you have connected to your "warp speed computer" the more sectors you can...
    7. NotForrest

      My complete list.

      i ment the first sugjestion
    8. NotForrest

      My complete list.

      it seems a little complex. i think it would just make the game harder for noobs
    9. NotForrest

      Weapons for players

      wepons should only be MADE by factorys to prevent spawn killing on servers. think how op noobs would be with a raygun or something
    10. NotForrest

      Safe way to enter the star

      i think it would be cool to have a cooling machine that uses power to let you enter the star place without burning
    11. NotForrest

      StarMades first Role-Play Server

      sign me up bro