Recent content by nemovonutopia

    1. nemovonutopia

      'Automatic' popup turrets?

      A related question: when a turret is retracted, will it still shoot at things and move? Ive made a few retracting turrets but I have not gotten to the point of testing.
    2. nemovonutopia

      Read by Schine Turret placement improvment

      thanks for the tab+f8 tip, its made things a bit easier. Templates are saved with turrets so I've started saving the base of the turret to the catalog which will include the base and the barrel.
    3. nemovonutopia

      Starmade NOPE Moments

      I decided to test out a cool looking turret that I just made without saving it to my catalog. I added a huge amount of shields (over 1000 blocks) to the base ship in a misguided attempt to ensure the turrets safety. I wasn't until the missiles started flying from the pirate ships I spawned that...
    4. nemovonutopia

      Read by Schine Turret placement improvment

      Placing many turrets on a ship is my least favorite part of the game, taking a lot of time traveling between the ship and where the turrets spawned in. I've created ships to carry groups of turrets close to my ship but that is still time consuming so I was thinking about an easier way and I've...
    5. nemovonutopia

      Distribute computing of reactors

      This is a wonderful idea, lately I've been building more for aesthetics than efficiency and this will help greatly. It may be a few days before I have time to try it out. If feasible, it would be nice to have a cylinder or sphere option if it's not too hard to code, I have no idea.