Recent content by MutantLizard

    1. M


      That\'s a hollowed out spaceship to appear to look like a planet but is indeed actually a spaceship...
    2. M

      Block Editor crash

      I\'m having the same issue. Does it stop you from editing stuff?
    3. M

      StarMade 0.0943

      I don\'t really care much for AMC balancing and Shield discussion but Schema... I could kiss you right now. Best update yet IMO. Thank god I can see farther now! Great job and keep up the good work! You are doing an amazing job! :D
    4. M

      [WIP] [RPG] Special Server | Come here take a look | Terra Infinitas

      Is this still a thing? I\'d be interested in helping out. Contact me if so. I\'ve been working on some pretty big builds but want to be able to share them with others so a server would be great to get involved in. :D
    5. M

      Higher Draw Distances

      Seriously. I really really want this. It couldn\'t possibly be too hard to change the max limit.
    6. M

      Higher Draw Distances

      Even just allow the settings to be overwritten! Me wants too!
    7. M

      Venator class Destroyer

      This is awesome! I\'m making an Imperial Class Star Destroye, myself. It\'s a little bit smaller than this (only to make it a bit easier). I really want to see this finished! Good luck mate!
    8. M

      Planetminecraft for starmade???

      I want this. Someone make this. NAO!