Recent content by moox10

    1. moox10

      Bug Critical Error Starmade.jar could not be removed!

      Try restarting your computer. That fixes the problem for me when I get it.
    2. moox10

      How do you want the Rating System to work?

      I just use the Old option as a sort of disagree.
    3. moox10

      How do you want the Rating System to work?

      I pretty much agree with orph aside from wanting a stronger disagree option
    4. moox10

      Bug Docked ship computers diconnect after mother-ship jumps

      Okay, this is helpful, What kind of systems do you guys have? (just to make sure we don't have any common denominators) EDIT: I wrote the bug report by the way.
    5. moox10

      Bug Warpgates facing direction Bug

      So what about planets?
    6. moox10

      "Maybe I'll add it as a gimmick one day"

      I don't know about you guys, but I personally really like the whatever they're called things, they look cool, and it's really fun to build on them. I think building on a sphere would just get boring though.
    7. moox10

      Bug toolbar to far down

      That might happen because your graphics setting is too large for your screen
    8. moox10

      Automated Ship Fabrication

      Sounds neat, I don't think I'd stick it on ships but definitely something that would be good to see, like you could have it set up so that your space station has a whole area dedicated to the fabrication and repair of ships. Also you could then buy blueprints for ships just like factories and...
    9. moox10

      100% crash even though it's on 64 bit java

      Just gonna say, if your computer is crashing it's probably something hardware/software and not starmade
    10. moox10

      Bug Heat seeking Missiles Not Working in 0.171

      How about you go on your game, and get a picture of your Weapons menu for me (the hot key for that is defaulted to T unless you changed it) also a picture of your ship itself Edit: Never mind, you are right about the missile computer shooting multiples but still do the pictures, there might be...
    11. moox10

      Framerate halved for each ship landed on plent surface

      Implying you haven't set it as a faction home and spent tons of time making it look nice
    12. moox10

      Bug Heat seeking Missiles Not Working in 0.171

      No, it would have fired multiple shots if you set the missile Tubes apart from each other, to have a heat-seeking effect you need a secondary missile computer (preferably with it's own set of missile tubes equal to the number you have for the initial missile computer)
    13. moox10

      Bug Heat seeking Missiles Not Working in 0.171

      You slaved a missile computer to your missile computer system, right?
    14. moox10

      Framerate halved for each ship landed on plent surface

      What makes this really hard is when you have pirates assaulting your planet base and they all just fall due to gravity and you can't even move
    15. moox10

      Bug Warpgates facing direction Bug

      Well I didn't build it on a mountain, but there is this thing that I made it on a surface I completely flattened out