Recent content by Michael_Chipz

    1. M

      Outside Cameras

      this is kinda allready in the game buy an SD cockpit draw back is thatyou cant aim it in any direction other then the front but i hear that its planed so that you can change orintation of it and weopens
    2. M

      Pirates arent changing

      you have to add bluprints to allow enamys to use them and to fix the money thing spend it
    3. M

      A safehaven from the yogs-storm for veterans of Starmade.

      its not that its a bad thing its just way too much of a infux of people at one time the game went from about 20 servers and less than 500 people ( and most of the time under 100 people on at 1 time at the busyest times) to haveing above 1000 people at any time often way more so now servers are...