Recent content by Methuselah

    1. Methuselah

      Don't forget to BUFF THRUSTERS for Power 2.0!

      Touche'. I was actually referring to cruising speeds, not max speeds. The Alaska had given up armor and armament to be able to reach those speeds. That was its role. Our carriers yes, are very fast, but not well armored or armed. It gives up those aspects in favor of mobility, and makes up...
    2. Methuselah

      Bug Missiles not hitting big targets

      Did some testing myself. Same results as the rest of you. Definitely a new bug.
    3. Methuselah

      Don't forget to BUFF THRUSTERS for Power 2.0!

      Gonna nerd out on everyone for a minute. Brace yourselves. (I used your quote, but its directed at everyone, not you personally). The Enterprise D was not necessarily a "benchmark" for the fleet. In fact only twelve space-frames were built, and of those, only six became commissioned...
    4. Methuselah

      Bug Missiles not hitting big targets

      Also, if you are too close to the target the missiles will bypass before locking on and then circle back around. Try staying outside of about half the missile range. I.E. If your missile range is 2000 meters (default) then stay around 1000 meters or more away from your target.
    5. Methuselah

      USS Monitor 2017-01-28

      This is replica of the USS Monitor from 1862 in roughly 1.66:1 scale. It was created for RP, and features a working screw, a pivoting rudder, and a dimly lit and basic interior, much like the original. More information about the actual Monitor can be found here: USS Monitor -...
    6. Methuselah

      Recovering space station from copied blueprint folder

      If you're having the problem I think you are, you might be able to trick the game into doing what you want. When I downloaded the rail update last year it corrupted the game files, making the game unplayable. I was able to save some projects (not all), by creating a new folder away from the...
    7. Methuselah

      Automated cargo load/unload

      I've encountered this many times myself. If the chest is set to pull everything, and the logic isn't broken, the majority of times this happens, its because of stack weights. A chest will only pull up to its weight limit, no matter what you set the pull amount to. It will also not split...
    8. Methuselah

      Automated cargo load/unload

      1.) I've never tried your solution, but it sounds difficult. My solution was to build a fork truck to move the containers to the appropriate docks. 2.) Not that I'm aware of. 3.) I use an activation module on the docker connected to the chests. When the pod is attached to the mining ship...
    9. Methuselah

      More Immersive Main Menu

      One screenshot used by everyone wouldn't be that intensive on server resources, but I still don't see how that would make me want to click Server A rather than Server B. All everyone would see is an image of dots. That sounds like a better alternative. I don't think we're talking about a...
    10. Methuselah

      More Immersive Main Menu

      Could you clarify that a little? Are you talking about an image showing the different faction territories? If so, I don't entirely see how that would help anyone, unless the player wants to avoid all maps with a certain faction. What if the server has factions in two or more galaxies? The...
    11. Methuselah

      Solar Reaving

      Interesting idea. It would force the involvement of an entire faction to claim and hold. There would also have to be a line of code preventing the dyson sphere from being set as a Faction Home. What scares me the most about that idea, is the amount of lag it will generate.
    12. Methuselah

      Solar Reaving

      I make mine of Varat charged circuits. Looks almost real. I thought about this one myself, mining plasma to be able to build and power aux power modules. I also thought about making shield regenerators fully reliant on mining plasma to fuel them, but I think this might be too difficult for...
    13. Methuselah

      Solar Reaving

      I've often thought about setting up hydrogen derricks myself. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out what to use the hydrogen for. Ships/stations/reactors don't currently need fuel, nor do we want that aspect added to the game. It would be interesting, though, to end a war by sucking your...
    14. Methuselah

      Official Fleets Build Contest

      I guess its time to throw my hat into the ring. Although, with all these good looking fleets already in here, I'd wager mine are only going to be used for target practice for the others. Methuselah's Fleet Submission 1 Methuselah's Fleet Submission 2
    15. Methuselah

      Methuselah's Fleet Submission 1 2016-06-06

      Top Left: Griffin (Hybrid Frigate) Docking Pad: Sparrow (Fighter) Bttm Left: Falcon (Scout Frigate) Top Right: Condor (Salvager) Bttm Right: Merlin (Freighter) Known Issues: 1) The logic should be stable, but even stable logic breaks from time to time. All logic systems are located nearby...