Recent content by Matt40k

    1. Matt40k

      Repair Bay

      This could also be a way to make catalog ships using parts you already own, instead of having to buy everything.
    2. Matt40k

      Cloaking nerf

      Groups of fighters could (with a decent reactor) fire this in bursts all over the place while flying around, showing up cloakers left, right and center. Also, a \'dispersed beam\' would make this even more unfair, as you wouldn\'t even need to accurately hit the cloaked ship. On top of that...
    3. Matt40k

      The Future Of StarMade: The need for more creative agency.

      I particularly like the heat idea, it could be a way to counter the infamous \'shotgun ships\'. Also, I\'d love to drop an incendiary bomb into the heat-sink of an enemy capital to overheat its cannons!
    4. Matt40k

      Pistons? Or something similar...

      How about, like minceraft pistons, it only extends from one face, the direction of which is determined by how it is rotated in Advanced Build mode.
    5. Matt40k

      Super Flat Block

      What if the \'paint\' crafting items could be used to apply these \'decals\', showing up as the corresponding coloured hull block.
    6. Matt40k

      Build Blocks, They Be OP

      How about you can only place a build block on something your faction owns (with a faction block) and add costs to claiming a station or planet e.g. the base price of all the blocks.
    7. Matt40k

      Fixed Shop idea (and others)

      While playing singleplayer recently I found a station, and within minutes there was no less than about 50 Trade Guild ships trying to squeeze themselves into the 4 \'hangars\', which froze the game. Strangely, after about a minute the game resumed, but all the Trade Guild NPCs had vanished...
    8. Matt40k

      My take on a new AMC system

      Love the idea for scaling projectiles in both the x- and y- axis. I\'d love to see a capital-size \'Line Gun\' to cut other ships in half, especially if parts of a ship could be broken off!
    9. Matt40k

      Signal Computer, Transmitter, Enhancer, Receiver : StarMade equivalent of Redstone

      Wouldn\'t it be great to have these things on a key binding, so when you press a certain key it puts all turrets online (Defcon 1 button?) or fires every weapon on the ship (Doomsday weapon?). Also, could this be used to control plexdoors (window sheilds, hangar bays, pop-up armour plating)?
    10. Matt40k

      any warhammer 40k fans in the community ?

      None have a hope of surviving the insatiable hunger of the Hive Mind! We shall consume your minds and your souls to fuel our eternal feed!
    11. Matt40k

      Hinges, axles, pistons, etc.

      Great idea! this would make some aspects of the game so much easier, (hangar doors, landing gear and so on) as well as adding a whole new array of tactics, (hidden guns/turrets, giant claws, a huge swinging hammer covered in dis-integrators!)
    12. Matt40k

      Suggestions for better engines, ship motion, and armor/shield/health.

      Personally, I think strafing needs to be nerfed, because at the moment most battles are fought by strafing in circles, which seems very wrong when compared with space battles in other games or sci-fi films. Possibly reducing strafe speed and acceleration so it should only really be used for...
    13. Matt40k

      Making Planets Relevant.

      I really like this idea. There is often a distinct lack of faction-controlled planets, and in my experience only newer players in very small ships even consider landing on planets, so this should liven up territory-based warfare and possibly introduce \'Planet Pirates\'. I\'d love to see...
    14. Matt40k

      Onboard Artillery/Alien Life/Derelict Ships/Transporters/Warp Drives/Thrusters

      How about just making AMCs slower firing as the group gets bigger, so huge cannons are only effective against bigger, slower ships, and smaller cannons are more effective as anti-fighter weapons, like how weapons are balanced on Eve Online. A battleship can still try and shoot a frigate, it\'s...
    15. Matt40k

      After effects

      I love this idea! No idea why you\'d need camo in space (other than black) but that doesn\'t matter. Tiger-print battleships here I come!