Recent content by MatLaPatate

    1. M

      Energy generators seem bugged in my opinion.

      Yup, I got that after, but it seems kinda exploitable, isn\'t it ?
    2. M

      Famous Sci-Fi Weapons which should get added

      IMO the RailGun should be more like a \"hull penetrator\" (allows you to hit hidden modules) and not a \"Shield penetrator\".
    3. M

      Energy generators seem bugged in my opinion.

      I recently discovered that the power units behave kinda weird as for energy generation: I was trying to make a big ship, and when I had to put the energy generator, I realized that a 10*10*10 cube of them was worth less than a huge 3D cross (like 30-block-long line on X, Y and Z crossing at the...
    4. M

      [Navigation Option]

      The suggestion I want to make is pretty simple: improve the Navigation system, so it also include Void system. Why ? Because last time I went out of the first Void system, I got lost and I spend an hour trying to get back at the first one witout succeding. A simple way to do so would be to make...