Recent content by lauriraudla

    1. L

      Invisible salvage beams(minor bug)

      I am quite sure this is what schema referrs to as the invisibug, showing your lazors invisibru, but they do deal dmg.
    2. L

      Salvage cannons / salvage computer not working

      Hmm... I had a problem like this earlier. It is actually really simple. Go to build mode and place the computer next to your core, then place down the cannons, it should say selected:salvage computer or something like that in the top left corner, hope it works brah.
    3. L

      Republic starship class "Venator"

      What mass is it? I built one half of the size of this but filled every cruddy hole possible for better performance, I ended up blowing up half of a planet with 1 missile shot gehehehe
    4. L

      DirectX compability mode

      Just an idea, that it would be nice if it was added, as in I know many get critical error(including me) with the latest drivers and stuff. That is caused by openGL, so why not use directX compability mode and many more would be enjoying this epic game. I know this will take alot of work, but it...
    5. L

      Crash on startup

      It is some shaders, bottom lines end - vertex shader(s) failed to link
    6. L

      Crash on startup

      I have seen this before, but updating my driver didn't work. I can't play the game, it launches up and gets a fatal error, something shader thingy, I think I don't have openGL, where can I get it?