Recent content by KuraiRyuu

    1. K

      [WIP][108x] Starstone texture pack, UI skin and custom blocks [0.5]

      I believe your main download link is broken/down.
    2. K

      [WIP][108x] Starstone texture pack, UI skin and custom blocks [0.5]

      It\'s not working for me. I don\'t know why but no \"mods\" or texture packs work for me, it just brings up a null-pointer-exception every time I try to run the game. Am I missing something you need to do to make mods work?
    3. K

      Adding blocks, textures, etc

      I was wondering how, if possible at the moment, and how hard/easy it would be, to create totally new blocks. And a few other questions. I didn't really find much by looking around some. 1: Create plain decorative blocks? 1a: blocks with a little animation like a blinking light? 2: Create a...