Recent content by King Chameleon

    1. K

      The difference between greifing and open warfare.

      but like fdshfn said that could just be a type of gameplay that some people choose. Like stealth/guerrilla attacks, instead of 2 massive fleets bombing eachother. I think there should be additional infrastructure, maybe something like in Planetside 2; where there are invincible areas in which...
    2. K

      Side Facing Weapons.

      It does work; but you have to fire the weapons from inside the weapons computer rather than the core. If you connect the weapons computer to the core, and fire it from the core they will fire forwards, regardless of which direction the computer is facing.
    3. K

      Argorator Heavy Cruiser

      When the slope of the curve is greater than 1:1 some people have the opinion wedges look weird.
    4. K

      NSP (national space protecters)

      They are dutch angles, they add dramatic effect. The kid is a cinematic genius.
    5. K

      StarMade 0.09387: Huge batch of bugfixes & fixed recipes (hotfixed #2)

      The docking beam opens and closes Plexdoors, it\'s useful in other situations, just not yours.
    6. K

      StarMade 0.093865: Small but important fix

      If you rotate the weapons computer facing in the right direction, then enter the weapons computer you can fire from in that direction. You can\'t fly the ship though.
    7. K

      Building Elysium

      You can draw a 1000 pixel diameter circle in paint (or something better) and use that as a guide.
    8. K

      New Pulse Weapons

      @Koross That is a brilliant idea.
    9. K

      Better Core Over heating.

      What if, when the core reaches 0 it creates, not an explosion, but a shockwave proportional to the mass of the ship. As another cool thing it could also generate a virtual plane with a random rotation; and all the blocks of the ship which intersect this plane get deleted, now the two halves of...
    10. K

      High-End Power Calculations

      From what ive heard, once the regen goes over 1,000,000e/s each block additional block only provides another 30-50e/s.
    11. K

      Ebon Hawk (detailed/to scale)

      Yo, thats hella neato
    12. K

      Laser beams, Railguns, and "Independent" cockpits

      They are just another type of weapon, it isnt really a game changing function. I agree with the cockpit idea however, being able to look in different directions while in flight mode would be useful.
    13. K

      Ctrl button issue.

      Whenever I press the ctrl key, my control changes to a specific turret docked to my ship, and if I press the up key it changes back to control of the ship. I suppose this would be sort of usefull if I was still able to roll using my mouse.
    14. K

      Land Vehicles-Hear me out

      Man, I just want a bicycle.
    15. K

      Ship cores, breathing, and new ship structures

      I like the air quality system. So what you are suggesting is that when a player leaves the atmosphere of the ship they have the amount of oxygen left in their bar, which changes depending on the quality of air they were last breathing? To add to your suggestion, what if there were two types of...