Recent content by kahulbane

    1. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      I have to do that. LOL =]
    2. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      HI all, When I do the work with those models, I give SMEdit 13 to 14 GB of ram. Not that it always uses it all, but just so I dont have to worry. I think that schematic pulls in about 4 GB to 8GB...
    3. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      That is what I was getting this weekend. I sent JJ All of my stuff on the BSG so he can mess with it. I thought it was just the size of it. JJ That is the same thing I am seeing. Same colors and such. And it seems off alittle. IDK.
    4. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      It would be me to bring in the complicated stuff. =] Ok, the BSG has 3 texture files. and when I import it with the textures, they seem to be off.. The colors are odd too, but I am sure that can be edited in the color map some how. =] I will email you the full project with the textures on...
    5. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      Hi, I test the wrl and obj, very nice, did the full 1426M BSG75, very nice job. Soon I will port the rest of the fleet.
    6. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      I have the BSG in that format. =] LOL big surprise right...
    7. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      I will do the block and sub id number method and see where I get. I am only missing a few blocks that are not defaulting to grey hull and I need to map them to other things, like that odd wood plank issue, as he used them for the floors in the ship, and some odd mushroom block for some stuff in...
    8. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      JJ, Is there anything I can do locally besides editing the xml file to get these other \"missing\' items to work in the mapping process, or do I just need to get you a list of the blocks and stuff that are not there? Edit* i see the class and java files, I guess the list is the option right. =]
    9. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      That is it, there is an error with the schematic, it should be 400+MB. I have a few that I did that are 12.4 and 13.2MB, they are all bad... So you need the 400MB one and the fun begins with block mapping. I can pm you a link to my schematic if you like.
    10. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      This is good, and the shape change is a good idea, as with the MineCraft BSG, there are all these upside down stairs and crap that are really bugging me, and when I try to edit the XML with like Stone mcdata=1 or what ever, it does not seem to like it some times. I will be getting you that list...
    11. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      How big is the schematic file? (inMB) I have very different results at my work station at this office I am contracted verisus the rig at home. Here I cannot do mutch with binvox, the ATI card and something else cause issues. It is a crapy ATI card. But that is if I am making files with binvox...
    12. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      Not so much on the obj import at 1426.. very odd out put in SMEdit.
    13. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      The schematic import of the 1426M BSG75 is perfect! And very Very Big, compared to anyting else in SM LOL
    14. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      Awesome, I am glad to hear. I will test this to night when I get in. I dont think I will have time to remote in and test this out, as my workstation here cannot handle this stuff. I will test the OBJ import too just for fun on the other BSG files. I am still working on the mapping of the...
    15. K

      Offline Ship Editor

      Thank you. And please keep up the pain, er um work! We can make more donations if needed =] Thanks again for all you do! On another note, I dont know why schema does not hook up with you, this is an incredable tool and really adds to his stuff!