Recent content by jdub2

    1. J

      Game telling me my graphics drivers are incompatible, but they are the latest from intel

      Title mostly covers it, when I tried to use the intel driver updating program it told me that my graphics drivers are custom from my computer manufacturer (Acer). I went on Acer's site to download their latest version, and it was just the standard intel drivers which I already have installed...
    2. J

      database lock acquisition failure

      And i am using the latest update, as of today
    3. J

      database lock acquisition failure

      Hello, i am trying to run the game on my new laptop, Acer Aspire M5, and when i run the game, it crashes with the exception "database lock acquisition failure" i was told that i needed to delete a specific file to fix this, any help would be appreciated. Thanks! PS the game works fine on my...
    4. J

      Peaceful game mode

      So i am trying to create a star base type map and while I was building a turret some pirates attacked me. Now, I love fighting pirates in this game, but it would be nice if at the startup screen there was an option to make the game peaceful like in minecraft. This would be great for people...