Recent content by JDallos

    1. J

      Celestial Guardians

      I keep checking the TeamSpeak and server but there\'s never anybody in/it\'s down. Is there another server we operate on I can use?
    2. J

      Celestial Guardians

      In-Game Name: JDallos Age: 17 Why us: To be honest, you simply looked good. Your application process is fair, your ships look badass... I went on your Twitch and you\'re not a twelve year old... all good stuff. I want to join a fun faction like this. Mic: Yup Are you good with following...
    3. J

      The European Coalition (EU)

      Name: JDallos Steam Name: Zee Arsebandit Age: 17 Nationallity: English Why do you want to join?: I like the idea of a european faction where we\'re all roughly in the same timezone. It\'ll be good to play together with a bunch of friendly people at the same time instead of worrying about...